Brain Tumor can be demonic to deal with for grown-ups, so you can very well imagine what it can do to the children suffering from it. It is already damaging the tender brains and the effects can be outrageously visible from the children’s behavior. Such youngsters can fall victim to psychotic disorders that can further ruin their social and personal lives.

Researchers from the Pakistani institute, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad, have proposed that certain video games can be introduced to children with brain tumor to help relieve them from their worsening mental states. In their research paper, Psychotherapy Through Video Game to Target Illness Related Problematic Behaviors of Children with Brain Tumor, in the research journal, Current Medical Imaging Reviews, they have come with a health game that presents imagery that proves soothing and healing for such children. The 3D imagery is meant to keep the kids engaged and is a proper behavioral learning in the process.
Video games may receive contrasting views overall, for many a parents find them spoiling their children, but they can always contain healing powers too.
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